After reading "Into a new world of librarianship" by Michael Stephens, I thought alot about the importance of my "embracing" Web 2.0 tools to help all our library users find information, gather knowlegde and create content. Mr. Stephens listed 6 traits of Librarian 2.0
Plan for users - allow users access wherever they are, strives to NOT impede user's access to library in any way.
Embrace Web 2.0 tools - how library services can be enhanced, uses Web 2.0 tools to further mission of the library, building connections online.
Controls tecnolust - creates a flexible technology plan that puts service to users first.
Make good, fast decisions - perpetual beta, redesign for ease of use, user involvement, and easily added pieces, locates and shares evidence from journals, blogs etc.
Be a trendspotter - seek out information that could impact users in the future, watched impact of technology on users.
Gets content - have an understanding about how users ACCESS, CONSUME, and CREATE content, help users control content.
Taking this class and using and exploring many of the Web 2.0 tools is a step in meeting the traits of Librarian 2.0. If I have an understanding of what is out there, I can try to assure that our patrons have EASY access to the information they need and be a "strategy guide" to their finding, gathering, and creating. I especially liked the comment that one has to "allow staff time to play and learn". I will try to schedule time into my week to play and learn Web 2.0
I thought I'd try a Google map mash up of Juneau's local libraries after reading about the Chicago libraries in this article. Look to the right on my blog to find it. It was fun, but a little time consuming.