Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 4, Things #8,#9

photo obtained from creative commons - flicker

It's a beautiful SUNNY!!! Juneau day and I am here on the computer instead of up at Eaglecrest skiing (and like yesterday falling).

I have never tried using rss feeds before. I had always just bookmarked everything. I am now convinced that the feeds are great because they are faster to access all the blogs from one page. I have intermittantly read "the neverending search", "blue skunk blog" (library) and "edutopia" (ed. best practices) blogs, but now hope to keep up with them more regularly. Now I just have to figure out a way to organize and truly use the best information from these resources. The "something for sophie" blog belongs to my very artistic library assistant Wendy.

1 comment:

  1. I really didn't understand the power of RSS feeds until I did the Web 2.0 class. There is no way that I can keep up with this class with out it...however, the problem with that is that if I forget to add a feed (like I forgot to add yours -- Sorry) then I get behind. You are now on my feed.

    I do find that for my professional reading I have to be really careful because it is easy to get so many that you can't keep up. I read neverending search, professor nana (Teri Lesesne) and blue skunk as well as having Unshelved comic delivered daily....I need my dose of humor.

