Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 3, Thing #7

This is the view outside my library window! (On a sunny day.)

I mentioned in my 1st post that a student and I are working on a "book trailer" project. Well I found out a couple of days ago that "book trailer" is a copyrighted term so we have to figure out a new name for our project. Any ideas out there?
To start this project, I gave the student some handouts and the URL to Jason Ohler's digital storytelling web site. I hope next week to get his story map.

1 comment:

  1. How about Book Baits or Book Peaks? These little videos are really a cool way to have students interact with books.....Have you seen the one for the Adoration of Jenna Fox? I really like that one. I have been using Myplick for turning powerpoints into quicktime videos with audio that I record on Garage Band.

