Thursday, April 9, 2009

Week 9, Thing #21

After looking around for awhile, I came upon the Marian High School (Omaha, Nebraska) Student Journalism Weekly Podcast(videocast)Program. What a wonderful way to integrate technology into the journalism class and provide a service to the school. I will make note to share this with our new Journalism teacher next year.

As our students here work on their BookLooks (trailers), I have shared Nancy Keane's Booktalks Quick and Simple. Most of them wanted VISUALS along with the audio.

1 comment:

  1. Raandi,
    Podcasts are so much fun. I enjoy making them. I was not able to see Marian High's journalism podcast but did listen to their band play the fight song. Nancy Keane's quick and simple said 'forbidden'. I did listen to C. Rylant's book talk.
